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This blast from the past is a hoot. Many of the contributors are not Jewish, however, but the recipes are mostly kosher. As with all "celebrity" cookbooks, most of the the celebrities did not write the recipes, which in most cases have nothing to do with the short discussions of their relationship with food. Clearly the recipes, and maybe some of the recollections (?) were dug up by the book's real authors. Sometimes, the recollections have nothing to do with the recipes. For instance, Bobby Van reminisces about his grandmother's Gedempte Fleish but the accompanying recipe is for Kreplach! Probably the most authentic recipes are from people who reminisce on the same subject, such as Barbara Walters' stuffed cabbage, that has the interesting ingredient of grape jelly, and Joan Rivers' Pears and Caviar who has never been told that Beluga caviar isn't kosher (neither have the authors, Marilyn Hall and Rabbi Jerome Cutler). -- Book review on Amazon, by "American Eyes Limited"

Celebrity Kosher Cookbook by Marilyn Hall & Rabbi Jerome Cutler

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    • Hardcover: 153 pages
    • Publisher: J.P. Tarcher; 1St Edition edition (1975)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 0874770424
    • ISBN-13: 978-0874770421
    • ASIN: B0030MUNN4
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