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Fired abruptly from her anchor position at a prominent news station for being `too old', Ali Reynolds returns to her home to learn that her best friend is dead - apparently by suicide, over a snowy mountain after a fatal medical diagnosis. Realizing she has no constraints on her time, Ali heads back to her hometown and her parents' Sugarloaf Café, where she grew up. Ali has another wonderful discovery on her way to her hometown - her marriage is over. Her husband has been cheating on her for a while, unbeknownst to her but known by most others. So, in the midst of a lawsuit against the station and divorce proceedings, Ali hunkers down in the house she inherited from her aunt, venting her frustrations and problems on a blog that her son has set up for her. Little does she suspect what ball her ruminations will set rolling. A good read, although I did set it down to finish others, first. I suspect there will be more stories with Ali.

Edge of Evil by J.A. Jance

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    • Hardcover: 296 pages
    • Publisher: Avon; Book Club Edition edition (2006)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 0739462261
    • ISBN-13: 978-0739462263
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