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Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton - Paperback 1991


The dinosaur is back on earth—alive, now, in Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park.

An astonishing technique for recovering and cloning dinosaur DNA has been discovered. Now humankind’s most thrilling fantasies have come true. Creatures extinct for eons roam Jurassic Park with their awesome presence and profound mystery, and all the world can visit them—for a price.

Until something goes wrong...

In 'Jurassic Park', Michael Crichton taps all his mesmerizing talent and scientific brilliance to create his most electrifying technothriller. The story, told with an almost documentary verisimilitude, is an account of the attempt, through a hair-raising twenty-four hours on a remote jungle island, to avert a global emergency—a crisis triggered by today's headlong rush (virtually unchecked by any government or scientific watchdogs) to commercialize genetic engineering.

Michael Crichton makes a brilliant and captivating use of the unique amalgam of suspense and informed science (this time paleontology, biotechnology, and chaos theory) that he originated in 'The Andromeda Strain' (1969). Of all his superb scientific thrillers—all of them best-sellers—'Jurassic Park' is in every way the strongest. It is certain to be his most widely read, talked about, and unreservedly enjoyed novel to date.



Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton

SKU: 0-345-37077-5
  • Book Series: Jurassic Park
    Narrative Type: Fiction
    Publisher: Ballantine Books
    Original Language: English
    Intended Audience: Adults, Young Adults, Ages 9-12
    Edition: First Edition
    Publication Year: 1991
    Type: Novel
    Format: Paperback
    Language: English
    Author: Michael Crichton
    Features: 1st Edition
    Genre: Action, Adventure, Science Fiction
    Topic: Science, Technology, Thriller
    Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
    ISBN: 0-345-37077-5

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