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"A murder so baffling it might even have stumped Agatha Christie's Miss Marple...A lively, entertaining mystery."THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRERA killing blow on the head took the life of Graham Estow, but the vicar and his wife were hardly grieved. He was the son-in-law who had severely beaten their daughter Joanna a few months ago. Unfortunately, it appears that someone very close to the household is the murderer, though no one is about to confess to it.Leave it to that canny police duo of Inspector Lloyd and Detective Sergeant Judy Hill to wander through a maze of self-confessed killers, myraid motives, and their own frustrating partnerships, to find a murderer with a message....


Murder at the Old Vicarage by Jill McGown

SKU: 2.3.15
    • ASIN : B003FCTVDW
    • Publisher : St. Martin's Press; Book Club Edition (January 1, 1988)
    • Language : English
    • Hardcover : 215 pages
    • ISBN-10 : 1299556558
    • ISBN-13 : 978-1299556553
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