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Sex & Tantra Issue - New Age Journal 1975 Bhagwan Rajneesh Osho, Stanley Keleman


Sex & Tantra Issue - New Age Journal 1975; Bhagwan Osho Rajneesh, Maria Muldaur, Stanley Kelleman, Bob Dylan

This is the fourth issue of the New Age Journal in its first year of publication! It is noted as "an issue on SEX." It has an 8 page article by Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, entitled "Going All the Way." It is an in-depth look at his understanding about healthy sex, and about Tantra, the spiritual sexual practice. There's are many insightful quotes from Rajneesh, including one about "instant coffee and instant sex!" See photo.

Also there's an article by Stanley Keleman "On Being in Your Body." Stanley Keleman was an American writer and therapist, who created the body psychotherapy approach known as "formative psychology". He was one of the leaders of the body psychotherapy movement nationally and internationally.

There is also an interview of Maria Muldaur, an American folk and blues singer, best known for her hit "Midnight at the Oasis." The interview is entitled "On Sex and Being a Woman. "

And, finally, there's also an article about Bob Dylan and his then new release, "Blood On the Tracks!"


The magazine is BOTH a present-day, and an historical, resource! It offers rich insights into the difficulties that sex has suffered under. And it reveals the origins of intelligent (new age) insights into sexual health in the 1970's.



New Age Journal: An Issue on Sex including Bhagwan Rajneesh on Tantra V1#4 1975

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